Nutrition facts of DURIAN
(pronounce as DU' RI' YAN')
Durian fruit is delicious, soft, succulent and very popular for its unique characteristics. Durian is widely revered as the "King of Fruits" in the South-East Asian countries.
The tree is tropical in origin and belongs to the genus Durio, family of Malvaceae; a large family which also includes hibiscus, okra etc. It is native to Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia and grows up to 50 meters in height depending on the species. While there are 30 known species of Durio exist only nine of them have been identified as producing edible fruits. Durian tree starts bearing fruits after four or five years after plantation.
Durian is a seasonal fruit; its season lasts typically from June till August, which coincides with that of the other tropical specific fruits like mangosteen, jack fruit, and mango. This fruit is distinctive for its large size, unique odor, and formidable thorn-covered husk. It can reach up to 30 cm (12 in) long and 15 cm (6 in) in diameter, and typically weighs one to four kilograms (2 to 7 lb). Shapewise, it varies from round to oblong; color of its husk (rind) is green to brown; and its flesh has creamy-yellow to saffron color depending on the species.
The flesh or pulp can be consumed at various stages of ripeness, and is used as flavor base in a wide variety of culinary and sweet preparations in Southeast Asian cuisines. Round to oval shaped seeds can also be eaten when cooked and tastes like almond.
Edible flesh emits distinctive odor which can be described as strong and penetrating even when the husk is intact; this unusual stinky flavor and intense odor of the fruit have prompted many people to express diverse and peculiar opinions ranging from deep appreciation to intense disgust about durian.

Fruit Description:
* Durian tree: grow up to 27 m
* Fruit Shape: oblong
* Length: 20-35cm, diameter: 18-22 cm and weighs from 1-9kg.
* Rind: thick, semi-wood with stout, sharply pointed spines; color: yellowish-green.
* Edible Pulp/ flesh: After opening the fruit you will find 5 or less compartments containing the creamy-white or yellowish edible pulp with custard-like consistency.
* Seeds: 1 to 7 chestnut-like seeds, 2-6 cm long with glossy, red-brown color.
Health Benefits:
* Durian is extremely nutritious because it is rich in vitamin B, C and E and with high iron content. Eating durian is alleged to restore the health of ailing humans and animals.
* A preparation from its roots and leaves is prescribed by traditional doctors for fevers and jaundice.
* Decoctions of the leaves and fruits are applied to swellings and skin diseases.
* Durian fruit helps lower cholesterol.
* Durian is a strong blood cleanser.
* The ash of the burned rind is taken after childbirth.
* Durian contains high levels of the amino acid tryptophan, known to alleviate anxiety, depression, and insomnia, and create feelings of happiness, by raising levels of serotonin in the brain
* Durian contains high level of soft protein which makes it a good muscle builder.
* Durian has a reputation as a powerful aphrodisiac.
* Durian is recommended as a good source of raw fats.
Nutritive Value per 100 g
* Vitamin A: 20-30 I.U.
* Ascorbic Acid: 23.9-25.0 mg
* Vitamin E: "high"
* Calcium: 7.6-9.0 mg
* Phosphorus: 37.8-44.0 mg
* Potassium: 436 mg
* Thiamine: 0.24-0.352 mg
* Riboflavin: 0.20 mg
* Niacin0.6: 83-0.70 mg
* Iron: 0.73-1.0 mg
* Sugars(approx.) 12.0 g
* Protein: 2.5-2.8 g
* Fat: 5.33g
* Fiber: 3.8 g
* Total Carbohydrates: 30.4-34.1 g
* Calories: 144
excerpt from: www.nutrition-and-you.com
Note: Durian fruit is highly nutritious it is not advisable to eat this fruit in excess. Pregnant women or people with high blood pressure are traditionally advised not to consume durian. The seeds are believed to possess a toxic property that causes shortness of breath.